\n This page has footer.\n \n)\n\nconst AppLayout = ({ navigation, footer, children }) => (\n <>\n
完整程式碼:Flexible Layout | CodePenopen_in_new
const Navigation = () => ( <ul> <li><Link to="/page/1">Page One</Link></li> <li><Link to="/page/2">Page Two</Link></li> <li><Link to="/page/3">Page Three</Link></li> </ul>)
const Footer = () => ( <footer> <hr /> This page has footer. </footer>)
const AppLayout = ({ navigation, footer, children }) => ( <> <Navigation /> {children} {footer && <Footer />} </>)
AppLayout.propTypes = { navigation: PropTypes.bool, footer: PropTypes.bool,}
AppLayout.defaultProps = { navigation: true, footer: false,}
在需要套用樣板的頁面就可以直接將當作root component來使用,如果想為特定頁面調整Layout,只需要改變傳入的props即可:
const PageOne = () => ( <AppLayout footer> This is a page wrapped with layout component. </AppLayout>)
const App = () => ( <BrowserRouter> <Switch> <Route exact path="/page/1" component={PageOne} /> <Route component={PageOne} /> </Switch> </BrowserRouter>)
如果每一個頁面的Layout不會隨著使用者的互動而改變,也就是各頁面裡的prop始終不變的話,我們其實可以將其提升為HOC :
const withAppLayout = layoutProps => WrappedComponent => pageProps => ( <AppLayout {...layoutProps}> <WrappedComponent {...pageProps} /> </AppLayout>)
使用方式可以在page level:
const PageTwo = withAppLayout({ footer: true })(() => ( <> This is a page wrapped with page-level layout HOC. </>))
const App = () => ( <BrowserRouter> <Switch> <Route exact path="/page/1" component={PageOne} /> <Route exact path="/page/2" component={PageTwo} /> <Route component={PageOne} /> </Switch> </BrowserRouter>)
甚至可以在route level:
const PageThree = () => ( <> This is a page wrapped with route-level layout HOC. </>)
const App = () => ( <BrowserRouter> <Switch> <Route exact path="/page/1" component={PageOne} /> <Route exact path="/page/2" component={PageTwo} /> <Route exact path="/page/3" component={withAppLayout({ footer: true })(PageThree)} /> <Route component={PageOne} /> </Switch> </BrowserRouter>)