2022/12/28~2023/03/03【Backend、Senior Backend】邀請三面後人事凍結
職位:BE, Sr. BE
薪資範圍:1.5M ~ 2M / Annum
面試流程:4 關 online interview,包括 live coding 及 system design(之前有聽說Agoda會招待機票讓面試者前往曼谷,但獵頭說該政策目前已取消)
目前約 20~30 位台灣工程師,使用語言主要為 Java、Scala,其次是 Go、Python、.Net,注重架構改善的能力。由於會需要在泰國曼谷工作,公司有提供 4 年簽證,福利上也提供每周3天的WFH及每年30天的返鄉WFH。
共三題 easy 等級的題目。
獵頭事前提供了準備方向與考古題給我,會有兩大題型:Calculator 及 Permutation,例題如下:
1. 給 [1,2,2,3,3,3] 找出最高次數與最少次數的差 => 3次3, 1次1 => 3-1
2. 做出 TwoSum Object 裡面有兩個 attr => store(number), test(amount): boolean
const x = new TwoSum();
x.store(1); x.test(2) => false
x.store(2); x.test(3) => true; x.test(2) => false
會問test的時間複雜度 跟改良方法
雖然都是 LeetCode 經典題目,先前也刷過和看過解答,但是一小時的面試扣掉前面10分鐘開場只省下50分鐘可以思考及寫code,還要用不熟的英文和面試官討論演算法,一個緊張就沒辦法仔細回想答案了,最後只能交出 Naive Solution,整體表現完全不如預期呀!
Requirement- We want to introduce promo code on our website. User will get discount when book a hotel with promo code.- There is a text box on booking page to input promo code.- User will see discount on website before book.- We will show error text when user input invalid promo code.- There are 2 types of promo code - Time period - Ex. Valid from 20 Dec 12:00 PM - 3 Jan 10:00 PM - Limit usage - Ex. Only 500 bookings - The promo code usage is counted when booking is success- Promo code monitoring system
Context- User traffic ~100k per day- Booking process after user click book will take around 1 minute- Booking is possible to fail from multiple reasons. Ex. Fraud, Pre-Auth, Settlement, Allotment, etc.
Hi ***,
Thank you so much for your patience just now.
I would like to inform you that. Unfortunately, the role you interviewed for has been placed on hold for the time being due to our hiring preference has been changed and we would like to focus on candidates with more senior backgrounds. However, we are still in the process of finalizing if there is any other team would be interested in your profile.
We will be getting in touch and let you know at our soonest once we have the update on our hiring.
I hope you understand regarding to our changes and we do appreciate your time speaking with us.
Best Regards,
def solution(a): def is_good_tuple(t): return len(set(t)) == 2 ans = 0 for i in range(len(a) - 2): if is_good_tuple((a[i], a[i+1], a[i+2])): ans += 1 return ans
def solution(points): r_count = 0 s_count = 0 w_count = 0 c_count = 0 n_count = 0 for p in points: if 0 <= p <= 999: r_count += 1 elif 1000 <= p <= 4999: s_count += 1 elif 5000 <= p <= 9999: w_count += 1 elif 10000 <= p <= 49999: c_count += 1 elif 50000 <= p: n_count += 1 tmp = zip( [r_count, s_count, w_count, c_count, n_count], ["Recruit", "Soldier", "Warrior", "Captain", "Ninja"] ) tmp2 = reversed(sorted(tmp, key=lambda x: x[0])) ans = [] for (cnt, name) in tmp2: if cnt > 0: ans.append(f"{name} - {cnt}") return ans
class Editor:
def __init__(self): self.text = "" self.cursor = 0
def onPressLeft(self): self.cursor = max(0, self.cursor - 1) return self.text
def onPressRight(self): self.cursor = min(len(self.text), self.cursor + 1) return self.text
def onPressHome(self): self.cursor = 0 return self.text
def onPressEnd(self): self.cursor = len(self.text) return self.text
def onPressDelete(self): if self.cursor < len(self.text): self.text = self.text[0:self.cursor] + self.text[self.cursor + 1:] return self.text
def onPressBackspace(self): if self.cursor > 0: self.text = self.text[0:self.cursor-1] + self.text[self.cursor:] self.cursor -= 1 return self.text
def onInputCharacter(self, character): self.text = self.text[0:self.cursor] + character + self.text[self.cursor:] self.cursor += 1 return self.text
def solution(commands): editor = Editor() result = [] for command in commands: if command == "left": result.append(editor.onPressLeft()) elif command == "right": result.append(editor.onPressRight()) elif command == "home": result.append(editor.onPressHome()) elif command == "end": result.append(editor.onPressEnd()) elif command == "delete": result.append(editor.onPressDelete()) elif command == "backspace": result.append(editor.onPressBackspace()) else: result.append(editor.onInputCharacter(command))
return result
# Given a string, write a function that checks if the string is a palindrome
def is_palindrome(s): n = len(s) for i in range(n // 2): if s[i] != s[n - i - 1]: return False return True
# Given a string, write a function that checks if there exists a permutation of the string that is a palindrome
def is_permutation_a_palindrome(s): freq_map = Counter(s) odd_count = 0 for c, freq in freq_map.items(): if freq % 2 == 1: odd_count += 1 return odd_count <= 1
print(is_permutation_a_palindrome("a")) # should be Trueprint(is_permutation_a_palindrome("ab")) # should be Falseprint(is_permutation_a_palindrome("abb")) # should be Trueprint(is_permutation_a_palindrome("")) # should be True
LeetCode 5. Longest Palindromic Substringopen_in_new
# Given a string, write a function that returns the longest palindromic substr
def longest_palindromic_substr(s): n = len(s) ans = "" # left is inclusive, right is exclusive for left in range(n): for right in range(left, n + 1): if is_palindrome(s[left:right]) and (right - left) > len(ans): ans = s[left:right] return ans
LeetCode 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Charactersopen_in_new
# Write a function that returns the longest non repeating characters
def longest_non_repeating_substr(s): def is_non_repeating(subs): n = len(subs) if n == 1: return True for i in range(n - 1): if subs[i] == subs[i + 1]: return False return True n = len(s) ans = "" # left is inclusive, right is exclusive for left in range(n): for right in range(left, n + 1): if is_non_repeating(s[left:right]) and (right - left) > len(ans): ans = s[left:right] return ans