2021/08/26~2021/09/16【Backend Web Developer / Software Developer】未錄取
請見 Yourator 職缺連結—Backend Web Developer / Software Developer - GoFreight找到熱血沸騰的新創工作open_in_new。PTT 也有相關面試心得文可供參考-[心得] 面試-Seasalt/GoFreight/Line/Google/Arcopen_in_new。
總共 5 題 HackerRank 題目,時間限制 120 分鐘。
Given a string that consists of left and right parentheses, '(' and ')', balance the parentheses by inserting parentheses as necessary. Determine the minimum number of characters that must be inserted.
s = '(()))'
Insert 1 left parenthesis at the left end of the string to get '((()))'. The string is balanced after 1 insertion.
For each word in a list of words, if any two adjacent characters are equal, change one of them. Determine the minimum number of substitutions so the final string contains no adjacent equal characters.
words = ['add', 'boook', 'break']
The return array is [1,1,0].
Function Description
Complete the function minimalOperations in the editor below.
minimalOperations has the following parameter(s):
Two strings are anagrams if they are permutations of each other. In other words, both strings have the same size and the same characters. For example, "aaagmnrs" is an anagram of "anagrams". Given an array of strings, remove each string that is an anagram of an earlier string, then return the remaining array in sorted order.
str = ['code', 'doce', 'ecod', 'framer', 'frame']
Function Description
Complete the function funWithAnagrams in the editor below.
funWithAnagrams has the following parameters:
Given an integer k and a list of integers, count the number of distinct valid pairs of integers (a, b) in the list for which a + k = b. Two pairs of integers (a, b) and (c,d) are considered distinct if at least one element of (a, b) does not also belong to (c,d). Note that the elements in a pair might be the same element in the array. An instance of this is below where k = 0.
n = 4
numbers = [1, 1, 1, 2]
k = 1
This array has three different valid pairs: (1, 1) and (1, 2) and (2, 2). For k = 1, there is only 1 valid pair which satisfies a + k = b: the pair (a, b) = (1, 2).
n = 2
numbers = [1, 2]
k = 0
There are three valid pairs: (1, 1), (2, 2) and (1,2). For k = 0, two valid pairs satisfy a + k = b: 1 + 0 = 1 and 2 + 0 = 2.
Function Description
Complete the function countPairs in the editor below.
countPairs has the following parameter(s):
A palindrome is a string which reads the same forward and backwards, for example, tacocat and mom. A string is a scatter-palindrome if its letters can be rearranged to form a palindrome. Given an array consisting of n strings, for each string, determine how many of its substrings are scatter-palindromes. A substring is a contiguous range of characters within the string.
strToEvaluate = ['aabb']
The scatter-palindromes are a, aa, aab, aabb, a, abb, b, bb, b. There are 9 substrings that are scatter-palindromes.
Function Description
Complete the scatterPalindrome function in the editor below.
scatterPalindrome has one parameter:
此關簡直是惡夢,要經歷 4 位面試官,總共 5 大題,歷經 4 個多小時才度過整個車輪戰,還被迫破例為了面試而請假,不過題目品質相較其他公司確實精緻許多,可以感受到該公司在挑選人才上的用心。
車輪戰第一輪直接被要求實作 Heap,實作過程是允許查詢資料的,但不能直接查詢答案。一開始先被詢問 Heap 的特性,但我太久沒複習已經失憶了,只好當場 Google 一番;問完特性後就被要求實作 與 這兩個功能。(不用實作 )
原始命題詳見下圖,需求是實作 GoFast 這個運輸產業的假想服務,討論範圍包含 Relational Database 的 Schama 設計,以及 API 的 High Level Design,設計出雛形之後會被要求追加需求,然後追問如何變更設計。
車輪戰第三輪考的是 Functional Programming,然後偷渡一些 Map-Reduce 的應用。整體實作上非常容易,但是題組每前進一題時,都會要求向下相容,個人覺得算是十分貼近日常開發的考法。
############### 平移 ############### 誰:行銷同仁 想要:分析一份數據集 希望:你提供一個函式,可以平移調整數據集,使均值為零,再回傳結果----------------------------------- 函式: - shift_avg 輸入: - data (原始數據集) 輸出: - 處理後數據集----------------------------------- * 原始數據集 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳新數據集###################################
############### 過濾 ############### 誰:行銷同仁 想要:分析一份數據集 希望:你提供一個函式,可以過濾出指定數值區間裡的數值,再回傳結果----------------------------------- 函式: - filter_range 輸入: - data (原始數據集) - start (過濾數值區間起始值) - end (過濾數值區間終止值) 輸出: - 處理後數據集----------------------------------- * 原始數據集 => 過濾出指定數值區間裡的數據 => 回傳新數據集###################################
版本 A
############## 版本 A ############## 誰:行銷同仁 想要:簡化多份數據集的分析過程 希望:你提供一個函式,直接做完過濾、取樣、平移,再回傳結果----------------------------------- 函式: - process 輸入: - data (原始數據集) 輸出: - 處理後數據集----------------------------------- Library - sample_by_num(data, N) 取 1/N 做樣本----------------------------------- * 原始數據集 => 去掉所有負數 => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳處理後數據集###################################
版本 B
############## 版本 B ############## 誰:行銷同仁 想要:控制取樣與平移 希望: - 擴充 process 函式,可以選擇是否要過濾負數 - 向前相容 (版本 A)----------------------------------- 函式: - process 輸入: - data (原始數據集) - is_shift (控制是否要做平移調整) - is_filter (控制是否要做過濾) 輸出: - 處理後數據集----------------------------------- * (過濾負數 & 做平移調整) => 去掉所有負數 => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳處理後數據集
* (過濾負數 & 不做平移調整) => 去掉所有負數 => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 回傳處理後數據集
* (不做過濾負數 & 做平移調整) => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳處理後數據集
* (不做過濾負數 & 不做平移調整) => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 回傳處理後數據集###################################
版本 C
############## 版本 C ############## 誰:行銷同仁 想要:觀察不同過濾方式的差異 希望: - 擴充 process 函式,可以選擇過濾指定數值區間 - 向前相容 (版本 B)----------------------------------- 函式: - process 輸入: - data (原始數據集) - is_shift (控制是否要做平移調整) - is_filter (控制是否要做過濾) - ... 輸出: - 處理後數據集----------------------------------- * (過濾負數) => 去掉所有負數 => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳處理後數據集
* (不做過濾負數) => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳處理後數據集
* (過濾指定數值區間) => 過濾出指定數值區間裡的數據 => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳處理後數據集###################################
版本 D
############## 版本 D ############## 誰:行銷同仁 想要:觀察不同處理流程的差異 希望: - 擴充 process 函式,可以自由選擇下列處理方式 - 向前相容 (版本 C)----------------------------------- * (處理 1) => 過濾出指定數值區間裡的數據 => 取 1/3 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳處理後數據集
* (處理 2) => 取 1/4 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 過濾出指定數值區間裡的數據 => 回傳處理後數據集
* (處理 3) => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 去掉所有負數 => 取 1/2 做樣本 => 回傳處理後數據集
* (處理 4) => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 取 1/6 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 過濾出指定數值區間裡的數據 => 取 1/2 做樣本 => 平移調整到均值 = 0 => 回傳處理後數據集###################################
版本 2
############## 版本 2 ############## 誰:研發主管 想要:減輕維護程式的負擔 希望:你改良或重新設計程式的介面 or 架構 - 可滿足行銷同仁先前提出的所有需求 - 讓程式容易理解 - 讓程式容易使用###################################
版本 2-EX
############# 版本 2-EX ############ 誰:行銷同仁 想要:有緩衝時間,來逐步將 process 替換為 (版本 2) 希望: - 保留 process 的介面,直到替換完成 - 你能提供 process 到 (版本 2) 的替換方式----------------------------------- 誰:研發主管 想要:減輕維護負擔,避免有兩份類似的處理邏輯 希望:你改寫 process 內容,套用 (版本 2)###################################
第三輪面試官似乎把題組用完了,所以搬出了 Bonus 題目,要求口述即可,題目細節如下圖:
車輪戰第四輪與 CTO 正面對決,直接各種口頭問答:
本命題與 LeetCode 921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Validopen_in_new 相同。
def getMin(s): counter = 0 stack = [] for c in s: if c == '(': stack.append(c) counter += 1 elif c == ')': if len(stack) > 0: stack.pop() counter -= 1 else: counter += 1 return abs(counter)
def minimalOperations(words):
def min_substi(word): n = len(word) if n <= 1: return 0 i = 0 j = 1 ans = 0 while j < n: if word[i] == word[j]: j += 1 else: # increment ans length = j - (i + 1) + 1 ans += length // 2
# iterate i = j j = i + 1
# increment ans length = j - (i + 1) + 1 ans += length // 2
return ans
return [min_substi(word) for word in words]
def funWithAnagrams(text): patterns = set() answers = []
def string_to_pattern(s): count_map = {} for c in s: if c not in count_map: count_map[c] = 0 count_map[c] += 1 sorted_letters = sorted(count_map.keys()) pattern = ''.join([f'{c}{count_map[c]}' for c in sorted_letters]) return pattern
for string in text: pattern = string_to_pattern(string) if pattern not in patterns: patterns.add(pattern) answers.append(string) return sorted(answers)
def countPairs(numbers, k): n = len(numbers) numbers_set = set(numbers) pairs = set() for a in numbers: b = a + k if b in numbers_set: pairs.add((a, b)) return len(pairs)
def get_scatter_palindrome_count(s): ans = 0 n = len(s) for i in range(n): alphabet_count_map = {} for j in range(i, n): alphabet = s[j] if alphabet not in alphabet_count_map: alphabet_count_map[alphabet] = 0 alphabet_count_map[alphabet] = (alphabet_count_map[alphabet] + 1) % 2
s_size = j - i + 1 if s_size % 2 == 0: if all([v == 0 for v in alphabet_count_map.values()]): ans += 1 print(s[i:j + 1]) elif s_size % 2 == 1: if len([None for v in alphabet_count_map.values() if v == 1]) == 1: ans += 1 print(s[i:j + 1]) return ans
def scatterPalindrome(strToEvaluate): return [get_scatter_palindrome_count(s) for s in strToEvaluate]
當場 Google 到這篇教學: https://codelearner.pixnet.net/blog/post/131124376open_in_new
"""[9,8,7,6,5] 0 1 2 3 4
9 / \ 8 7 / \6 5"""
class MaxHeap:
def __init__(self, max_size): self._max_size = max_size self._next = 0 # 下一個可以填的位置 self._data = [None for _ in range(max_size)]
def push(self, value): if self._next == self._max_size: raise Exception('heap is full') self._data[self._next] = value self._next += 1
current_index = self._next - 1 while self._data[current_index] > self._data[(current_index - 1) // 2]: self._data[current_index], self._data[(current_index - 1) // 2] = self._data[(current_index - 1) // 2], self._data[current_index] current_index = (current_index - 1) // 2
def pop(self): if self._next == 0: raise Exception('heap is empty') top = self._data[0] self._next -= 1 self._data[0] = self._data[self._next] self._data[self._next] = None current_index = 0 while True: left_index = current_index * 2 + 1 right_index = current_index * 2 + 2
if left_index < self._next: left_value = self._data[left_index] else: left_value = -float('inf')
if right_index < self._next: right_value = self._data[right_index] else: right_value = -float('inf')
if not (self._data[current_index] < max(self._data[left_index], self._data[right_index]): break
if left_value >= right_value: self._data[left_index], self._data[current_index] = self._data[current_index], self._data[left_index] current_index = left_index elif right_value > left_value: self._data[right_value], self._data[current_index] = self._data[current_index], self._data[right_value] current_index = rightt_index
return top
Schema 設計
class Product: id = Column(pk=True, index=True)
class User: id = Column(pk=True, index=True)
class Payment: id = Column(pk=True, index=True)
create_time = Column(DateTime)
class Quotation: id = Column(pk=True, index=True)
class Order: id = Column(pk=True, index=True)
quotation_id = Column(ForeignKey('quotation.id')) quotation = relationship(quotation_id)
product_id = Column(ForeignKey('product.id')) product = relationship(product_id)
user_id = Column(ForeignKey('user.id')) user = relationship(product_id, backref='orders')
payment_id = Column(ForeignKey('payment.id')) payment = relationship(product_id)
desination = Column(String)
state = Column(Enum)
class OrderDelivery: id = Column(pk=True, index=True)
order_id = Column(ForeignKey('order.id')) order = relationship(order_id)
tracking_reference = Column(String)
def deliver(self): raise NotImplementedError def sync(self): raise NotImplementedError
class 廠商AOrderDelivery(OrderDelivery):
def deliver(self): # call api self.tracking_reference = tracking_reference
def sync(self): # call api pass
class 廠商BOrderDelivery(OrderDelivery): ...
class WMSAPIClient:
def get_product(self, product_id): pass
def create_shipment_order(self, payload): pass
def get_shipment_order(self, shipment_order_id): pass
class OrderDeliveryItem: id = Column(pk=True, index=True)
order_delivery_id = Column(ForeignKey('order_delivery.id')) order_delivery = relationship(order_delivery_id)
location = Column(String)
API 設計
def get_unique_products(): user = session.query(User).filter(User.id == 'A').one() # 1 request orders = user.orders # 1 request unique_product_ids = set([order.product_id for order in orders]) # 0 request
# 訂購POST /quotations # also create payments{ orders: [ { destination: ... }, { destination: ... }, ]}
# 付款POST /quotations/:id/pay{ payment_card_id: ...}
# 取消POST /quotations/:id/cancelPOST /orders/:id/cancel
# 出貨 (internal)POST /orders/:id/deliver
def deliver(): client = WMSAPIClient() client.get_product() if 庫存足夠: order.order_delivery.deliver()
@BatchJob(hours=1)def sync_庫存(): orders = ... for order in orders: order.order_delivery.sync()
Follow up
當下的回答是:可以使用獨立的 cache service 維護一個 lookup table,key-value 如下所示
counting_map = { <product_id>: 兩個倉儲加總數量}
def shift_avg(data): count = len(data) if count == 0: return [] total = sum(data) avg = total / count return [item - avg for item in data]
def filter_range(data, start=None, end=None): if start is None: start = -float('inf') if end is None: end = float('inf') return [item for item in data if start <= item <= end]
版本 A
def process(data): data = filter_range(data, start=0, end=None) data = sample_by_num(data, 3) data = shift_avg(data) return data
版本 B
def process(data, is_shift=True, is_filter=True): if is_filter: data = filter_range(data, start=0, end=None) data = sample_by_num(data, 3) if is_shift: data = shift_avg(data) return data
版本 C
class FilterArgs: def __init__(self, start, end): self.start = start self.end = end
default_filter_args = FilterArgs(start=0, end=None)
def process(data, is_shift=True, is_filter=True, filter_args=default_filter_args): if is_filter: data = filter_range(data, start=filter_args.start, end=filter_args.end) data = sample_by_num(data, 3) if is_shift: data = shift_avg(data) return data
版本 D
class Operator: pass
class SamplingOperator: def __init__(n): pass
def process(..., operations=List[OperationEnum]) pass
process(..., [SamplingOperator(3), ...])process(..., [SamplingOperator(5)])
版本 2
class AbstractOperator:
def operate(self, data): raise NotImplementedError
class SamplingOperator(AbstractOperator):
def __init__(self, n): self._n = n
def operate(self, data): return sample_by_num(data, self._n)
class ShitToZeroOperator(AbstractOperator):
def operate(self, data): return shift_avg(data)
class FilterRangeOperator(AbstractOperator):
def __init__(self, start, end): self._start = start self._end = end
def operate(self, data): return filter_range(data, start=self._start, end=self._end)
def process_v2(data, operations: List[Operator]): for operator in operators: data = operator.operate(data) return data
process_v2(data, [SamplingOperator(3), ShitToZeroOperator()])process_v2(data, [ShitToZeroOperator(), SamplingOperator(3), FilterRangeOperator(1, 5)])
版本 2-EX
def process(data, is_shift=True, is_filter=True, filter_args=default_filter_args): if is_filter: data = FilterRangeOperator(start=filter_args.start, end=filter_args.end).operate(data) data = SamplingOperator(3).operate(data) if is_shift: data = ShitToZeroOperator().operate(data) return data
此題直覺解法為建立一顆狀態樹,以初始狀態做為根結點,每種貨櫃的調動方式都向下展開一顆獨立的子樹,最後以 BFS 走訪所有節點比對是否為目標狀態即可得到最短調動次數及路徑。如果要改善此策略,可以預先計算 A、B、C 三種調動方式執行幾次後會循環(例如 A 調動每 2 次會回到原始狀態),接著便能利用此特性替狀態樹剪枝。
此題與 Leetcode 752. Open the Lockopen_in_new 解法相似。
GoFreight 編碼爭議事件
在筆者參與面試前約兩周,GoFreight 曾在 PTT Soft_Job 板張貼徵才文open_in_new,因鄉民在該文章下方推文熱議 Unicode 與 UTF-8 相關的編碼問題,導致筆者在面試當下無法判斷此題是純技術問題還是政治問題,望讀者留意。 ↩
return count of scatter palindrome of a string [closed]open_in_new ↩
面試心得–GoFreight 聖學科技
面試心得–GoFreight 聖學科技