2021/08/16~2021/09/15【Back-End Software Engineer】未錄取
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此關為純技術面試,題目只有一題 Anagram 題型,由面試官一邊在線上編輯器打出題目,一邊口述講解。由於無法在網路上找到完全相同的題目原型,以下的題目說明僅憑筆者個人理解進行記錄。
當字串 與 存在相同的字母集合,且每個字母出現次數相同,稱 與 互為 Anagram。此題目標是從輸入字串 中尋找合法字謎,並除去無法匹配到任何字謎的字串,不必在意答案順序。
def find_anagrams(strings: List[str]) -> List[str]: pass
assert set(find_anagrams(['aabc', 'abca', 'xyz'])) == set(['aabc', 'abca'])assert set(find_anagrams(['aabc', '123', 'abca', 'xyz', 'zyx'])) == set(['aabc', 'abca', 'xyz', 'zyx'])
相似題目可參考 LeetCode 49. Group Anagramsopen_in_new。
"""Input: Infinite stream of float latenciesOutput: p25, p50, and p75 latencies
Latency is within [0, 10k]"""
def get_latencies(): """ Yields: int """ for r in [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]: yield r
def print_percentiles(stream: iter(int)): """ Args: stream: iter(int) Yields: tuple(int,int,int) """ # 10 yield (10, 10, 10) # 10, 20 yield (10, 10, 20) # or (10, 20, 20) # 10, 20, 30 yield (10, 10, 20) # or (10, 20, 20) # 10, 20, 30, 40 yield (20, 20, 30) # or (20, 30, 30) # 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 yield (20, 30, 40)
stream = get_latencies()results = print_percentiles(stream)for i, r in enumerate(results): print(i,r)
此關為最後一關技術面試,前半段口頭詢問 Technical Questions,後半段進行 Live Coding 測驗。
Process vs. Thread
假設有一個 Worker,你會使用 Process 還是 Thread 來實作?
Given a JSON blob, implement the function that retrieves a single value for the path given as a string:
config = { a: 1, b: { c: { d: 2 }, e: { f: { h: 3 } } }, h: ['a', 'b', 'c']};getByPath(config, '$.b.e'); // { f: { h: 3 } }getByPath(config, '$.h.2'); // 'c'
def string_to_pattern(s): count_map = {} for c in s: if c not in count_map: count_map[c] = 0 count_map[c] += 1 sorted_letters = sorted(count_map.keys()) pattern = ''.join([f'{c}{count_map[c]}' for c in sorted_letters]) return pattern
def find_anagrams(strings): pattern_map = {} for s in strings: pattern = string_to_pattern(s) if pattern not in pattern_map: pattern_map[pattern] = [] pattern_map[pattern].append(s) return [v for values in pattern_map.values() if len(values) > 1 for v in values]
一開始題目沒有限制 latency 的範圍,且型態為 float,因此先嘗試最 Naive 的寫法,使用 priority queue 來維護所有看過的數字。後來面試官加入 的限制,並且型態改成 integer,就能用 counting map 在有限空間及常數時間內完成計算了。
def print_percentiles(stream): total_count = 0 count_map = [0 for _ in range(10000)]
def get_percentile_latency(p: float): k = int(total_count * p) # k-th acc_count = 0
for i in range(len(count_map)): acc_count += count_map[i] if acc_count > k: break return i + 1
for latency in stream: total_count += 1 count_map[latency - 1] += 1 yield ( get_percentile_latency(0.25), get_percentile_latency(0.5), get_percentile_latency(0.75), )
接著 followup 是詢問當 latency 的範圍不受控的情況,latency 型態仍為 integer,此時只需要將使用的資料結構更改為 sorted map 即可。
def print_percentiles(stream): total_count = 0 count_map = {} # sorted map
def get_percentile_latency(p: float): k = int(total_count * p) # k-th acc_count = 0
for latency in count_map.keys(): acc_count += count_map[latency] if acc_count > k: break return latency
for latency in stream: total_count += 1 if latency not in count_map: count_map[latency] = 0 count_map[latency] += 1 yield ( get_percentile_latency(0.25), get_percentile_latency(0.5), get_percentile_latency(0.75), )
def getByPath(config, raw_path): paths = raw_path.split('.')
if len(paths) == 0: print('no path') return None elif paths[0] != '$': print('no root') return None
value = config paths = paths[1:] while len(paths) > 0: path = paths[0] paths.pop(0)
if isinstance(value, bool) or isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, str): # print('not found') return None elif isinstance(value, list): index = int(path) if index < len(value): value = value[index] else: print('index out of bound') return None elif isinstance(value, object): if path in value: value = value[path] else: print('key not found') return None else: # print('not found') return None
return value
print(getByPath({ 'a': { 'b': 'c' }}, '$.a.b')) # c
print(getByPath({ 'a': { 'b': 'c' }}, '$.a.b.c')) # None
print(getByPath({ 'd': [True, False]}, '$.d.1')) # False
print(getByPath({ 'd': [True, False]}, '$.d.1.2')) # None
print(getByPath({ 'd': 'abc'}, '$.d.2')) # None
此題目有被追問 Follow-up:路徑裡有該怎麼辦?具體例子如下:
getByPath({ 'a': { 'b': 'c', 'd': 1 }}, '$.a.*')) # ['c', 1]