詳見 Github 連結-[徵才] 美國IMSLP-Petrucci / Backend / Fullstack(200-280萬/年)open_in_new
Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T.
Input: S = "ADOBECODEBANC", T = "ABC"Output: "BANC"
本命題與 Leetcode 76. Minimum Window Substringopen_in_new 相同
def str_to_count_map(s): count_map = {} for c in s: if c not in count_map: count_map[c] = 0 count_map[c] += 1 return count_map
def contains_t(current_count_map, t_count_map): return all([ c in current_count_map and current_count_map[c] >= t_count_map[c] for c in t_count_map.keys() ])
def find_min_str(s, t): s_len = len(s) left = 0 right = 1 t_chars = set(t) t_count_map = str_to_count_map(t)
ans_left = 0 ans_right = len(s) - 1 find_at_least_one_answer = False
while (right < s_len) and (left < right): current_count_map = str_to_count_map(s[left:right+1]) if contains_t(current_count_map, t_count_map): if right - left < ans_right - ans_left: find_at_least_one_answer = True ans_left, ans_right = left, right # move left pointer left += 1 while s[left] not in t_chars: left += 1 else: # move right pointer right += 1 if right >= s_len - 1: break c = s[right] if c not in current_count_map: current_count_map[c] = 0 current_count_map[c] += 1 while (right < s_len - 1) and (s[right] not in t_chars or not contains_t(current_count_map, t_count_map)): right += 1 c = s[right] if c not in current_count_map: current_count_map[c] = 0 current_count_map[c] += 1
if find_at_least_one_answer: return s[ans_left:ans_right+1] else: return ''
print(find_min_str('ADOBECODEBANC', 'ABC'))
2022/12/17 筆者閱讀 Hacker News 電子報時看到一個相似題,且作者巧妙地運用 XOR 實作了最佳演算法:A Neat XOR Trickopen_in_new