


面試心得–Inline App 樂排股份有限公司

面試心得–Inline App 樂排股份有限公司

2022/12/02~2022/12/29【Independent Contributor】未錄取



職位:Independent Contributor
薪資範圍:1.8M ~ 2.8M / Annum



共有 5 個產品線,每個產品各有一位 PM,PM 們也都有技術背景,工程團隊對於技術要求很高,全部都只找 Full-stack,專案管理也落實嚴謹的 Scrum 流程。全球約 150 位員工,台灣 120 人,工程團隊 60 人(40 人在台灣,20 人在美國)。目前紐奧、東南亞、東北亞都有 inline 的服務,Main App、Support、Tools(內部工具部門)有在招募。技術上使用 JS 為主,包括但不限於 NodeJS、React。




  1. What is the difference between ‘implements’ and ‘extends’
  2. Why SQL databases prefer vertical scaling and NoSQL databases prefer horizontal scaling?
  3. What is ‘Composite’ pattern, and where it is most commonly used?



  • 2022/12/02 與獵頭接洽
  • 2022/12/07 獵頭代投履歷
  • 2022/12/29 獵頭回覆:Inline這邊幾經考量過後,覺得以你的經歷來說,恐怕無法負擔這樣的薪資,所以婉拒後續



  1. What is the difference between ‘implements’ and ‘extends’

    'Implement' shares the same interfaces horizontally across independent classes, while 'extend' shares the same attributes, functions and interfaces vertically across the class inheritance chain.

  2. Why SQL databases prefer vertical scaling and NoSQL databases prefer horizontal scaling?

    Horizontal scaling has one disadvantage that they need to make sure each slave server consistent. Also there's one challenging problem once we need atomic operations in distributed SQL database. That's why SQL databases prefer vertical scaling.

  3. What is ‘Composite’ pattern, and where it is most commonly used?

    It's like send out a function and get a function back. It's something used in functional programming, which really care the immutability, and the data should not be changed in the function. For composition, it can package some function together and use them easily.