2021/09/30~2021/10/06【Senior Backend Engineer】未錄取
公司規模約 50 人,其中約 30 位工程師。公司主要產品是在東南亞提供廉價網路服務。
本關約進行半小時 Culture Fit 審核。
總共 2 題 HackerRank 題目,時間限制 120 分鐘,第二題限定使用 Java。
A single roll operation on a string is a circular increment of each character by one. Looking at the English alphabet, characters in the range ascii[a-z], a becomes b, b becomes c, and z becomes a.
Given an array of integers named roll, perform a roll operation on the first roll[i] characters of s for each element i in the array. Given a zero indexed string, an operation roll[i] affects characters at positions 0 through (roll[i]-1).
s = 'abz'
roll = [3, 2, 1]
Perform the following sequence of operations:
After performing the operations, the final value of s is 'dda'.
Function Description
Complete the function rollTheString in the editor below.
rollTheString has the following parameter(s):
The area and perimeter of different geometric shapes like rectangle, circle, or square are calculated using different mathematical formulae.
Create the following three classes:
The Rectangle class should implement the Shape interface. It should have two class variables of float type, length and, width. Also, it should implement the following methods:
Note: {length} and {width} respectively represent the class variables length and width. {area} and {perimeter} respectively represent the area and perimeter of the rectangle. For example, given that length = 2 and width = 3, calling the method toString() will return "Rectangle = [length: 2.0, width: 3.0, area: 6.0, perimeter: 10.0]".
The Square class that should inherit the Rectangle class and should implement the following methods:
Note: {length} represents the variable length of Rectangle class. {area} and {perimeter} respectively represent the area and perimeter of the square. For example, given that side = 2, calling the method toString() will return "Square = [side: 2.0, area: 4.0, perimeter: 8.0]".
The Circle class that implements the Shape interface. It should have a class variable, radius. Also, it should implement the following methods:
Note: {radius} represents the variable radius of Circle class. {area} and {perimeter} respectively represent the area and perimeter of the circle. For example, given that radius = 1, calling the method toString() will return "Circle = [radius: 1.0, area: 3.14, perimeter: 6.28]".
The locked stub code in the editor provides the definition of the Shape interface. It also validates the implementation of Rectangle, Square, and Circle classes.
人資在照會當下並未說明技術前測有限定語言,因此在無預警情況下被迫使用 Java 進行 HackerRank 測驗,並於測驗隔日隨即收到感謝信。個人認為人資非常失職,甚至覺得被洗了業績,詢問後未得到回覆,整體體驗非常糟糕且差勁,希望欲投此間公司的朋友慎重考量。
import mathimport osimport randomimport reimport sys
## Complete the 'rollTheString' function below.## The function is expected to return a STRING.# The function accepts following parameters:# 1. STRING s# 2. INTEGER_ARRAY roll#
def rollTheString(s, rolls): n = len(s) roll_counts = [0] * n
alphbets = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' alphbet_map = {a: i for i, a in enumerate(alphbets)}
for roll in rolls: for i in range(roll): roll_counts[i] += 1
results = [] for i, roll_count in enumerate(roll_counts): original_alphabet = s[i] k = alphbet_map[original_alphabet] rolled_alphabet = alphbets[(k + roll_count) % 26] results.append(rolled_alphabet)
return ''.join(results)
if __name__ == '__main__': # ...
參考 Roll the characters of string - GeeksforGeeksopen_in_new 之後重新整理出時間複雜度為 的解法:
def rollTheString(s, rolls): s_len = len(s) rolls_len = len(rolls) roll_counts = [0] * s_len
for roll in rolls: roll_counts[roll - 1] += 1
for i in range(rolls_len - 2, -1, -1): roll_counts[i] += roll_counts[i + 1]
alphbets = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' alphbet_map = {a: i for i, a in enumerate(alphbets)}
results = [] for i, roll_count in enumerate(roll_counts): original_alphabet = s[i] k = alphbet_map[original_alphabet] rolled_alphabet = alphbets[(k + roll_count) % 26] results.append(rolled_alphabet)
return ''.join(results)
assert rollTheString('a', [1]) == 'b'assert rollTheString('aa', [1, 1]) == 'ca'assert rollTheString('bca', [1, 2, 3]) == 'eeb'assert rollTheString('zcza', [1, 1, 3, 4]) == 'debb'
import java.util.Scanner;
interface Shape { float getArea(); float getPerimeter(); String toString();}
/* * Write the implementations of the Rectangle, Square, and Circle classes. */
public class Solution { private static final Scanner INPUT_READER = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) { String[] lengthWidth = INPUT_READER.nextLine().split(" "); float length = Float.parseFloat(lengthWidth[0]); float width = Float.parseFloat(lengthWidth[1]);
float side = Float.parseFloat(INPUT_READER.nextLine()); float radius = Float.parseFloat(INPUT_READER.nextLine());
Shape rectangle = new Rectangle(length, width); Rectangle square = new Square(side); Shape circle = new Circle(radius);
System.out.println("===================================="); System.out.println("Finding area and perimeter of shapes"); System.out.println("====================================");
System.out.println("Area = " + rectangle.getArea() + " and Perimeter = " + rectangle.getPerimeter() + "\n"); System.out.println("Area = " + square.getArea() + " and Perimeter = " + square.getPerimeter() + "\n"); System.out.println("Area = " + circle.getArea() + " and Perimeter = " + circle.getPerimeter() + "\n");
System.out.println("========================="); System.out.println("Printing shapes as string"); System.out.println("=========================");
System.out.println(rectangle.toString()); System.out.println(square.toString()); System.out.println(circle.toString()); }
public static class Rectangle implements Shape { float length; float width;
public Rectangle(float new_length, float new_width) { this.length = new_length; this.width = new_width;
@Override public float getArea() { System.out.println("Finding area of rectangle with length = " + this.length + " and width = " + this.width); return this._getArea(); }
@Override public float getPerimeter() { System.out.println("Finding perimeter of rectangle with length = " + this.length + " and width = " + this.width); return _getPerimeter(); }
@Override public String toString() { return "Rectangle = [length: " + this.length + ", width: " + this.width + ", area: " + _getArea() + ", perimeter: " + _getPerimeter() + "]"; }
protected float _getArea() { return this.length * this.width; }
protected float _getPerimeter() { return (this.length + this.width) * 2; } }
public static class Square extends Rectangle { public Square(float side) { super(side, side); }
@Override public float getArea() { System.out.println("Finding area of square with side = " + this.length); return super.getArea(); }
@Override public float getPerimeter() { System.out.println("Finding perimeter of square with side = " + this.length); return super.getPerimeter(); }
@Override public String toString() { return "Square = [side: " + this.length + ", area: " + _getArea() + ", perimeter: " + _getPerimeter() + "]"; } }
public static class Circle implements Shape { float radius;
public Square(float new_radius) { this.radius = new_radius; }
@Override public float getArea() { System.out.println("Finding area of circle with radius = " + this.radius); return this._getArea(); }
@Override public float getPerimeter() { System.out.println("Finding perimeter of circle with radius = " + this.radius); return _getPerimeter(); }
@Override public String toString() { return "Circle = [radius: " + this.radius + ", area: " + _getArea() + ", perimeter: " + _getPerimeter() + "]"; }
protected float _getArea() { return (float)3.14 * this.radius * this.radius; }
protected float _getPerimeter() { return (float)6.28 * this.radius; } }