2021/08/30~【Fullstack Developer (Python, Vue.js)】無聲卡
原 Yourator 職缺連結—Backend Developer (Python)open_in_new已失效,導向官方職缺連結—Fullstack Developer (Python, Vue.js)open_in_new
此關由人資主管 Devon 負責,先是提到了 CTO Albert 與 CEO (忘記名字了XD) 在 2018 年創立 Proto,專注於複雜的 AI 軟體開發,目前在招募亞洲地區的 Technical Manager 職務,成員預計約 5~8 位。
我表示需要 3 ~ 4 週的時間交接目前工作後才能轉換,接著彼此談到期望薪資的部分,Proto 對於這個職位提供的範圍是年薪 80,000 CAD ~ 85,000 CAD,以目前匯率 CAD:TWD 約 1:22 換算,等同於 1,760,000 TWD ~ 1,870,000 TWD。
Devon 講話的節奏非常俐落,非常不願意浪費任何一點時間的那種,整場面試不到 15 分鐘就結束了,最令人驚喜的是,第一次遇到如此準時的面試,加入會議時就看到該看見的人了!(反觀台灣那些愛遲到愛放鳥的...)
靜候下一輪(也是最後一輪)由 CTO 負責的技術面試。
I have only used react before. I think VueX is a state management tool. The equivalent in react is Redux. The reason to use such tools is they help us to decouple the data layer and view layer and fulfill single responsibility in high level abstraction.
CSRF is an attacking technique that makes some identity execute authorized requests in the background. There are several techniques to defend CSRF, e.g. double submit, random token, etc. Most of time, we leverage cookies to prevent the identity being abused.
HAVING is the equivalent clause of WHERE when the SQL contains aggregation function and you want to query the aggregated result.
採用 agile/scrum 流程
面試心得–Proto Research Inc
面試心得–Proto Research Inc