2021/11/05~2021/11/26【Senior Backend Engineer】錄取
詳見官方徵才訊息-Senior Backend Engineer by SWAG (HR) 21 7 月, 2021open_in_new。
第一關面試就有三位真人面試官,不用面對冷冰冰的 Online Judge System,由於面試官皆沒有露面,單純由聲音及交談的口氣聽起來都十分友善,題目是由其中的兩位面試官一人負責一題,詳細內容如下列:
# You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers.# The digits are stored in reverse order, and each of their nodes contains a single digit.# Add the two numbers and return the sum as a linked list.## input:# node1: 3 -> 2 -> 1# node2: 8 -> 5 -> 6## output: 1 -> 8 -> 7
def add_numbers_linklist(node_1, node_2): pass
"""Implement a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache.* The cache is initialized with a maximum capacity `size`* When the number of items in the cache reach `size`, remove the item that was least recently accessed.Methods* get(key): Get the value for `key` from the cache. Return `None` if not found* put(key, value): Add `key` to cache with value `value`."""
class LRU: pass
開場的題目是 Leetcode 經典題 1. Two Sumopen_in_new 的變化題,不用找出所有的數字組合,只需要檢查存不存在任意組合。
# Example 1Input: [1,1,1,3], 4Output: True
# Example 2Input: [1,1,1,3], 5Output: False
接著是進階題,一樣是來自 Leetcode 的題目 15. 3Sumopen_in_new 進行改編,只要檢查是否存在三個數字總和為目標值即可。
# Example 1Input: [1,1,1,3], 4Output: False
# Example 2Input: [1,1,1,3], 5Output: True
1M Active User1K QPS for whole backend server
請設計一個 Rate Limiter。
技術面試不搞前測,直接線上一小時與真人面試官用刷題互動;第一輪面試當天就邀約二面,反應非常俐落敏捷不掉漆;二面當天,人資竟然不是坐在辦公室等人按門鈴,而是準時站在門禁附近等待面試者;人資知道我想等領完現職年終再報到,主動提議討論是否接受由 Swag 負擔,沒有任何為難或情緒勒索。以上種種實例,都讓人覺得獲得前所未有的尊重,原來面試可以這麼大方、這麼高尚、這麼得體、這麼禮貌不做作、這麼香,竟然還不失專業。
本命題與 Leetcode 2. Add Two Numbersopen_in_new 相似
class Node: def __init__(self, val:int, next_): self.next = next_ self.val = valdef add_numbers_linklist(node_1, node_2): c = 0 head_dummy = Node(0, None) head_ans = head_dummy head_1, head_2 = node_1, node_2 while head_1 != None and head_2 != None: s = head_1.val + head_2.val + c c = s // 10 v = s % 10 head_ans.next = Node(v, None) head_ans = head_ans.next head_1 = head_1.next head_2 = head_2.next while head_1 != None: s = head_1.val + c c = s // 10 v = s % 10 head_ans.next = Node(v, None) head_ans = head_ans.next head_1 = head_1.next while head_2 != None: s = head_2.val + c c = s // 10 v = s % 10 head_ans.next = Node(v, None) head_ans = head_ans.next head_2 = head_2.next if c > 0: head_ans.next = Node(c, None) return head_dummy.nexth1 = Node(9, Node(9, Node(9, Node(9, None))))h2 = Node(9, Node(9, Node(9, None)))ans = add_numbers_linklist(h1, h2)""" 9999 <- h1 999 <- h2-----10998"""print(ans.val)print(ans.next.val)print(ans.next.next.val)print(ans.next.next.next.val)print(ans.next.next.next.next.val)# t = O(m + n)# s = O(max(m, n))
本命題與 Leetcode 146. LRU Cacheopen_in_new 相似
from typing import Any, Optional
class LRU: def __init__(self, size:int): self.size = size self.container = {} self.ordered_keys = [] # least recently used ... non least recently used def get(self, key:str) -> Optional[Any]: result = self.container.get(key) if result is not None: self._sync(key) return result def put(self, key:str, value:Any): if key not in self.container and len(self.container) == self.size: self._evict() self.container[key] = value self.ordered_keys.insert(0, key) self._sync(key) def _evict(self): key = self.ordered_keys.pop(-1) del self.container[key] def _sync(self, key:str): self.ordered_keys.remove(key) # O(size) -> O(log(size)) self.ordered_keys.insert(0, key)
cache = LRU(3)cache.put('A', 'AA')cache.put('B', 'BB')cache.put('C', 'CC')print(cache.get('A'))print(cache.get('B'))print(cache.get('C'))cache.put('D', 'DD')print(cache.get('A')) # Noneprint(cache.get('D')) # DDcache.put('D', 'DDDD')print(cache.get('B')) # BBprint(cache.get('D')) # DDDD
面試心得–SWAG(爍特/SOAT Co.)
面試心得–SWAG(爍特/SOAT Co.)