以下附上獵頭提供的 JD。
- Design and develop secure cloud-based services.
- Integrate designs with larger software systems.
- Coworker with cloud architect, backend and frontend developer.
- Positive attitude and a strong commitment to delivering quality work.
SKills and Knowledge:
- 3+ years of experience with developing back-end server products.
- 3+ years of experience with Python is the required.
- Golang, node.js and Java are a plus.
- Experience with AWS cloud services.
- Experience with Linux and Docker environments.
- Familiarity with the Agile software development processes.
- Ability to work independently within a high talent team.
- Self-Starter willing to learn and apply new software skills.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Experience with network programming.
- Have basic understanding of OAuth2 mechanisms and network protocols.
- Have experience with developing RESTful API.
- Strong experience with RDBMS and NoSQL.
- Knowledge of the common security issues and OWASP top 10.
應公司要求不得揭露於任何公開環境中。方向為需在 7 日內實作一個 Python Web Application,並以壓縮檔寄回。
筆者花了約 3 天的下班後時間完成作業,等了 3 個禮拜,最後只獲得一句「未達標準」就敷衍掉(?
2021/11/25 後記#
His assignment cannot be launched successfully. He didn’t pass the assignment phase.」
噢,負責審核的人是眼睛瞎了沒看到 Readme 嗎?還是不會用 Pyenv?跑不起來不會問一下嗎?怎樣的錯誤訊息也不給的嗎?憑什麼有辦法回答地如此輕浮又敷衍?這間公司的招募體驗簡直爛到令人不可置信啊!
為了避免讀者們重蹈小弟的覆轍,也避免各位浪費時間淌這混水,我決定公開這個爛公司的面試題目,以及小弟當時不及格到 Recruiter 不屑看上一眼的作業答案:
- 2021/09/27 接觸獵頭
- 2021/10/15 要求作業題目權限
- 2021/10/18 取得作業題目權限
- 2021/10/23 交付作業答案
- 2021/11/17 獵頭轉達作業未達標準,因此不安排面試
- 2021/11/25 獵頭轉達具體回絕理由
筆者所撰寫之解答連同題目保存於 Github 私人 Repo:Ubiquiti Assignmentopen_in_new。
由於 Repo 內容涉及題目,亦不公開於部落格,讀者如有意索取,請自行聯繫筆者。